Bio Degradable Products

Biodegradable products are made from Areca, bamboo, sugarcane, banana and other natural raw materials. Footprints, has entered the market for sourcing biodegradable products for global customers. Amidst the pandemic where small-scale businesses are struggling for survival, we have put our best foot forward to support independent businesses in sourcing eco-friendly products.

These products are used largely in the packaging industry. Customers’ expectations regarding product packing has undergone a lot of change. Good packaging helps to reverse the trend of waste that is essential for the betterment of the planet.

Our product range in this category is made from environment-friendly products. Some examples are; Eco-friendly Areca plates, party supplies, sugar cane baskets, and disposable products. The trendy designs are made out of natural materials and they make parties, exhibitions and get-togethers perfect!

Our bio-degradable products are 100% compostable and can decompose easily. Whether it is cookware for personal use, Pizza boxes, takeaway boxes and lids for a café, crockery for a restaurant, or corporate usage, we can manage custom orders for all types of clients.

Advantages of using biodegradable products:

  1. Ease to recycle:

Products made out of Biodegradable materials are easy to recycle. Moreover, most companies and customers prefer to choose these products due to their non-toxic nature. The recycled waste is further used as renewable energy for biogas. If you consider the products made from Sugarcane, our manufacturers churn the natural sugarcane into a pulp and transform it into beautiful quality packing products.

  1. Intelligent Investment:

Another advantage of choosing Biodegradable products is that they save a lot of money on cleaning costs. The production cost may be high for the manufacturers, but due to the increasing demand from discerning customers, manufacturers view investment in this area as beneficial in the long term.

  1. Safety:

Due to their non-toxic nature, the products made out of biodegradable materials are considered safe to use. Thus, the demand for the products is high. From buyers to end-users everyone who follows the safety standards will choose Biodegradable products only. Any company that undertakes delivery of bio-degradable products must be in sync with the Environmental Protection Act.

  1. Less Petroleum:

The government also encourages the production of Biodegradable products as they are natural products serve as an alternative to petroleum based products. Being a non-renewable resource, petroleum based products has adverse impact on the environment.

  1. Compostable Quality:

Another advantage of using Biodegradable products is their compostable nature. Due to their easy decomposition, Biodegradable materials help in soil fertilization. The materials decay in the soil and improve the soil quality, water retention, and growth of plants. These also act as natural pesticides and fertilizers.

We have marked our presence with the support of qualified manufacturers and sellers dealing with Biodegradable products. We are open for bulk orders, custom orders, and multiple orders based on your demand and requirements. For queries related to Biodegradable products, feel free to use our contact us page or explore our product page to check the various options available.